We make the greatest impact when we focus on the issues that make a vital difference for women and girls on the ground. When women and girls are free from the fear of violence, when they are empowered, when they control decisions about their own bodies—the result is a power surge for women’s human rights.
In 2013 we decided to focus our work strengthening and supporting global movements for women’s human rights on three critical “power surge” issues:
Zero Violence
We fund and speak out for the safety of women’s and girls. We support women’s peace building efforts. We challenge laws, policies, cultures, and behaviors that perpetuate violence, discrimination, and abuse.
We focus especially on groups who are addressing sexual violence in conflict regions and combating domestic violence.
Economic and Political Empowerment
We support advocacy for economic and legal reform and women’s equal participation in elections and economies. We support democracy movements and efforts to secure land, labor, and property rights.
We invest in groups who ensure that women have fair working conditions and are safe from trafficking, and who equip women to become active and visible civic leaders.
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
We support campaigns, services, advocacy, and education to secure women’s and girls’ full access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, with a specific focus on getting access for the poorest and most marginalized.
We especially invest in groups that are ensuring that girls and LGBTQI communities can get access to these rights and services, including access to safe abortion and post-abortion care.
In the next two years, a significant amount of Global Fund for Women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights grantmaking will be carried out via the AmplifyChange Fund, a consortium operated by MannionDaniels in partnership with Global Fund for Women and African Women’s Development Fund.
Global Fund for Women chose these three issues based on an in-depth analysis of our grantmaking over the past 25 years. This analysis, alongside our insight gathering from partners and grantees in the field, pointed toward clear program priorities.